Rotamix Sludge mixing systems

Vaughan’s Rotamix® system is the most cost effective and lowest Life Cycle Cost process mixing system available for digesters, sludge storage and other high-volume applications. Combining both principles of uniform and vortical rotation, the Rotamix system optimizes solids contact with its unique “dual rotational zone” mixing pattern, plus:



  • Improves volatile solids reduction
  • Increases gas production
  • Reduces sludge volume
  • Saves energy during non-peak hours
  • Allows continued mixing until tank is empty
  • Reduces maintenance by eliminating all rotating equipment within the tank
  • Allows use of single mix pump for multiple tanks and transfer
  • Prevents clogging with the Vaughan® chopper pump
  • Costs less to purchase, install and operate
  • Backed by field-experienced experts
  • Includes 10-Year full Nozzle Warranty

The Vaughan Rotamix system is exactly what it claims to be — the best mixing system available today. No more issues with conventional systems — just real cost-effective sludge mixing.

Uses and Applications

Vaughan’s Rotamix® system is the most cost effective and lowest Life Cycle Cost process mixing system available for digesters, sludge storage and other high-volume applications. Combining both principles of uniform and vortical rotation, the Rotamix system optimizes solids contact with its unique “dual rotational zone” mixing pattern. Vaughan’s Rotamix® system can be used for the following applications:

Wastewater Applications

  • Anaerobic Digesters
  • Egg-Shaped Digesters
  • Sludge Storage Tanks
  • Sludge Blending Tanks
  • Influent Channels
  • Equalization Tanks
  • Secondary Digesters
  • Aerobic Digesters w/ Aeration
  • Alum Sludge
  • Lime Slurry Storage
  • Lime Stabilization
  • Anoxic Zone Mixing
  • Septage Waste Haulers
  • CSO Tunnels
  • CSO Retention Basins
  • Ground Storage Tanks

Industrial Applications

  • Recycled Food Wastes
  • Textile Waste
  • Liquid Fertilizer
  • Pulp & Paper Black Liquor
  • Refinery Waste Containment
  • Mining Fine Solids Suspension

Rotamix Advantages

Cost Savings

When compared to conventional mixing systems, the Rotamix system can save up to 60% in combined capital, operation and maintenance costs.

Complete Mixing

Multiple nozzles allow effective mixing energy distribution, eliminating the need for rotating nozzles. By using the Vaughan chopper pump, surface area and subsequent organic breakdown is maximized.


  • Ability to intermittently mix tanks after long periods of storage, offering power savings
  • Allows intermittent operation of conventional process systems, reducing energy costs


  • Fixed dual rotational pattern makes rotating nozzle designs obsolete
  • Vaughan Chopper pumps virtually eliminate problems with fibrous material and other debris, while ensuring pumps remain clog-free
  • Efficient mixing optimizes chemical consumption in sludge dewatering applications
  • Operates without liquid level dependency
  • Meets or exceeds high rate digester designs

Minimal Maintenance

  • No scheduled nozzle assembly maintenance required
  • No rotating equipment within the process
  • Reduces confined space entry into tanks for maintenance


  • Ability to mix multiple tanks, using only one pump
  • Ability to fill, mix and transfer using only one pump
  • No access walkways, platforms or hoists required
  • Complete installed Rotamix system typically costs less than equipment alone for other types of mixing systems
  • Potentially reduces cost of aeration equipment
  • Easily retrofits into existing tanks
  • Ability to work with flat floor design reduces construction costs